‘Keeping your auric field clear of negative energy’
What is Energetic Cleansing?
Energetic Cleansing is where you intentionally cleanse your aura or energy field of any negative or heavy energy that you may have picked up or absorbed from others or from the environment. Energetic cleansing is done to clear your aura so that you feel lighter, have more vitality and operate from a higher vibrational frequency.
Intentions & Affirmations
Intention is incredibly powerful. You must always couple your intention of wanting to cleanse and clear your energy field with whatever cleansing technique you use.
Affirmations are positive phrases or statements that are repeated to challenge negative thoughts/energy. Affirmations should be used when doing energetic cleansing as it helps focus your intention. Affirmations should be brief statements that resonate with you.
Some examples of affirmations:
‘I cleanse and clear my aura of any low vibrational and negative energy’
‘If there are any emotions, attitudes or beliefs that I have absorbed that are not mine, then I release them from my aura’
‘If there is anything attached to my aura that is not for my best and highest good, then I release it now’
‘I release any energetic cords attached to me that are not for my best and highest good and send them back with love’
These are just a few examples, but always use ones that are in your own wording and feel right to you.
Types of Energetic Cleansing
Salt Bath/Shower
Put a cup of Sea salt, Himalayan salt or Epsom salts into your bath. Set the intention that the salt bath will cleanse and clear your energy field. Say affirmations whilst laying in the bath such as the examples listed above, or amend them to convey what feels true to you.
If you don’t have a bath, then you can do this in the shower by taking the salts and rubbing them over your body whilst you say your affirmations.
In the shower, close your eyes and imagine that the shower is a beautiful waterfall that is cascading down onto you. Imagine you are standing in nature and the force and energy of the waterfall is washing over you and as it does so, it is cleansing your aura. Imagine that any negative energy is simply being washed away by the waterfall and that your aura is feeling lighter and brighter. The more vivid the detail you picture, the better.
Palo Santo
Palo Santo is a tree that is native to South America and means ‘holy wood’. It has been used for centuries by the indigenous people.
Light the piece of wood and let it burn for a bit so the wood catches and then blow out the flame. You should be left with the smoke of the wood. Use this smoke to clear your aura by wafting it all over your body (known as smudging). Again, coupling this with the intention of cleansing your aura and repeating affirmations as you do so.
White Sage
White sage was first used by the Native Americans for medicinal purposes and as incense.
Dried White Sage is bundled together and lit. It is the smoke of the white sage that is used to cleanse the aura through smudging the same way you would use Salo Panto. Set an intention and use affirmations whilst you smudge.
Selenite is a crystal which has a pearlescent look to it. It is THE crystal for cleansing and clearing. It is the only crystal that can cleanse and clear other crystals.
Make sure your Selenite crystal is fully clear itself before you use it to cleanse. You can cleanse the crystal by letting the smoke of Salo Panto or White Sage cover the crystal or you can leave it overnight in a full moon light to cleanse it.
Use Selenite by moving it through your aura with the intention that it is cleansing your aura, stating affirmations as you do so. Once you feel the cleanse is complete, then make sure you cleanse your crystal before you use it again. You could also carry it on you or sleep with it next to your bed.
Client Case Study
A client came to see me who had been experiencing high levels of anxiety for the last few days. She was not someone who regularly struggled with anxiety. I asked her what she was anxious about, and she replied she was anxious about the pandemic and perhaps it was now catching up with her. She had coped well during the pandemic which had already being going on for over a year.
Muscle testing indicated that she had picked up psychic debris. During the pandemic there was a lot of heavy, fearful energy around which was very palpable, especially in public places such as supermarkets or online.
Muscle testing revealed that she needed to energetically cleanse. Her homework was to go home that evening and have a salt bath with the intention of cleansing her aura whilst repeating affirmations as she did so. The affirmations were chosen and worded based on what resonated with her.
The client informed me that she awoke the next day feeling like her old self again.
How often should I energetically cleanse?
You can cleanse as often as you want to, or when you feel the need for it. I tend to do an energetic cleanse at least once a week.
If you work with people in an energetic way or deal with people with trauma or heavy energy or in the setting of a hospital etc, then it is advisable to energetically cleanse frequently. Usually people who go into this type of work are empaths and may absorb some of the pain or heavier energies of their clients/patients at a subconscious level.
If you have been around someone who has a lot of negative energy such as severe depression, rage/violence, anger or extremely fearful, then it is also good to energetically cleanse. The same goes if you visit an environment that has heavy energy.
I would also suggest doing an energetic cleanse if you are not feeling yourself or if you are feeling a strong emotion or experiencing repetitive thoughts but can’t attribute it to anything specific in your life and you cannot understand why.
What if it doesn’t work?
If you cleanse your aura and you are still feeling heavy emotions or thoughts that you can’t seem to shift and you have done a few cleanses, then it is because these emotions/thoughts belong to you and you haven’t simply picked something up. This means that it is yours to own and you need to work on yourself to heal and release the underlying issue in your life.
Final Thoughts
Energetic Cleansing is vitally important for maintaining a healthy auric field. In today’s society we are exposed to so much, even from the comfort of our home, through television, social media or news, it is easy to see dense energies all around. Think of energetic cleansing as a no different from cleansing your physical body, it is a way of maintaining a higher vibrational field which will help you in living and dealing with life in the best possible way.